[ppml] 2003-5 rwhois/reassignment info

Einar Bohlin ebohlin at UU.NET
Fri May 16 15:25:30 EDT 2003

A few more notes on reassignment info.

We messed up a swip and the customer called us to
get it fixed; it appears someone else uses the swip
to authenticate the IPs for SSL... that's what they
said.  I don't know who the user base is for
reassignment info, and, they probably don't attend
ARIN meetings nor participate on ppml.  Kind of like
webhosters a few years ago.  Makes changing the
status quo more complicated.

On the other hand, somebody contacted me and said
that multihomed customers could be verified by
a phone call or email to a POC on the parent
block.  This suggests that even multihomed customers
might not need net reassignment records.  It's not
like anyone continuously checks whois in order to route
a bgp customer who has some other ISP's nets, 
we all just do the initial check, right?


Einar Bohlin, IP Analyst
IP Team - Ashburn Virginia - MCI/UUNET
703 886-7362 (VNET 806-7362)
einar.bohlin at mci.com

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