[ppml] A proposal to modify proposal 2003-9 (WHOIS and INADDR access)

John M. Brown john at chagres.net
Tue Jun 10 01:34:25 EDT 2003

3. A policy for bulk WHOIS and or ARIN INADDR access will be published
   ARIN website as follows:

"Access to the entire WHOIS or ARIN INADDR database or large portion of 
it may be obtained by any organization or individual provided that this 
organization or individual agrees in writing to ARIN WHOIS/INADDR
Use Policy. WHOIS or ARIN INADDR data provided under bulk WHOIS access 
will not include any information that is marked as private.

Access to WHOIS/INADDR data may be by way of:

Individual WHOIS/DNS queries 

FTP or other type of download 

Hard media distribution (such as CDROM) 


Given that ARIN now has policy  2002-1 Lame In-addr, providing
access to the in-addr view that ARIN has would be useful for 
the internet operational and research community, and help reduce
lame issues.  This access would allow service providers access
to the IN-ADDR tree and allow them to self verify what 
deligations they are listed as authoritative for.  It would 
allow the research community a better source of data for
research and other activities.


john brown

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