[ppml] Waiver of IPv6 Fees

John M. Brown john at chagres.net
Tue Jan 7 15:11:52 EST 2003

I'm not complaining about the fees, and sorry if that seemed to
be the case.

The issue is that people that wish to deploy IPv6 networks today
are finding it difficult to meet the requirements to submit an

Others have made comments that current pre-ARIN holders of v4
space have been refused v6 space.  I don't know the validity of
this case.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Kessens [mailto:david at IPRG.nokia.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 1:03 PM
> To: John M. Brown
> Cc: ddiller at cogentco.com; ppml at arin.net
> Subject: Re: [ppml] Waiver of IPv6 Fees
> John,
> On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 11:52:38AM -0700, John M. Brown wrote:
> > waiving the fee is a good thing.
> > 
> > having barriers that prevent people from even being able
> > to apply is a bad thing.
> > 
> > thus, having it be free (for some period of time) doesn't 
> mean much to 
> > those that can't get the space because of other barriers.
> In my experience it is easier to remove barriers one by one. 
> Let's not keep complaining about the fees while we really 
> want to complain about the policy.
> After the fee structure, it is pretty clear that many people 
> think that the policy is a problem too. 
> However, so far, I have seen many people complaining about 
> the policy but very little evidence that they were really 
> unable to get addresses.
> Yes, the barriers in the policy seem high, but after closely 
> reading it, you will find that it is really not so hard to 
> get addresses.
> At the same time the policy is not perfect and there are 
> certainly some issues for a number of different business 
> models that in my opinion should be able to get addresses but 
> that cannot right now. Let's try to collect these cases and 
> see if we can revise the policy with such cases in mind at 
> some later time in the future.
> John M. Brown wrote in an earlier mail:
> >
> > Calling my local Verio, UUNET, Sprint providers resulted
> > in a great big HUH, when I asked them for IPv6 space, and
> > a further HUH, when I asked them to provide a native IPv6 
> > connection...
> You evidently called the wrong number or didn't ask enough 
> questions since at least one of the above mentioned ISPs is 
> able to help you out. Quite frankly, I don't expect every 
> sales guy in small town New Mexico to know about ipv6 (yet), 
> but I do know that there are people in the above mentioned 
> companies that I was able to contact who know more about ipv6 
> and who can help you with your needs.
> David K.
> ---

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