[ppml] Waiver of IPv6 Fees

John M. Brown john at chagres.net
Mon Jan 6 21:02:26 EST 2003

There are multiple ISP's in NM that would like to 
start building v6 networks.  Some are ARIN clients, most
are not.

They can't get the space.  We have stalled the system.

Cool apps won't be built without people playing around and
building.  Like Bill says, this isn't how things are done.

john brown
former AC member

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-ppml at arin.net [mailto:owner-ppml at arin.net] On 
> Behalf Of Bill Woodcock
> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 4:50 PM
> To: william at elan.net
> Cc: ppml at arin.net
> Subject: Re: [ppml] Waiver of IPv6 Fees
>     > Just to be clear - I'm basicly for what Bill Woodcock 
> is proposing, I just
>     > think it should have been done slightly differently. 
> But if nothing else,
>     > doing ip allocations by ARIN to individuals for small 
> or no charge to
>     > encorage deployment will work too. I just want it to be 
> clear from the
>     > start that such allocations would be temporary and not 
> like swamp space...
> I'm not for temporary.  I think that's exactly the problem we 
> have now. Nobody's willing to invest themselves in getting it 
> going, because they know that success means that they have to 
> start paying someone else for the privelege of using what 
> they just built.  That's not the way things get done on the Internet.
>                                 -Bill

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