[ppml] Re: AC Role (WAS: Independent space from ARIN)

Bill Darte billd at cait.wustl.edu
Fri Apr 25 06:36:43 EDT 2003

Alec said:

> > The AC's role is explicitly defined in the ARIN bylaws.
> > Article VIII, section 3:
> >
> > Function. It shall be the function of the Advisory Council to
> > act in an
> > advisory capacity to the Board of Trustees on matters as the Board
> > Trustees may, from time to time, request involving IP
> > allocation policies
> > and related matters. Between meetings of the Advisory Council, the
> > President of ARIN shall be the point of contact between the Advisory
> > Council and the Board of Trustees.
> >
> > ... It is not the AC's place to provide unsolicited
> > advice to the BoT.

<Scott said>
With all due respect, I don't think that this verbiage precludes the AC 
from offering the BoT advice on issues where the BoT did not solicit 
it.  It states what the "function", or job, of the AC is.  As long as
AC is fulfilling its function, I don't think that this verbiage prevents
activist AC from volunteering an opinion on matters where the BoT did
specifically request it...

At the same time, I do not think that the BoT is under any obligation to
anything with gratuitous advice from the AC
< >

I do think you are correct.  An activist AC could push an agenda beyond its
mandate or respond to requests for opinion outside that mandate.  I believe
the issue of ARIN being a key signer for DNSSec keys is an example.  This on
its face is an operational issue having very little to do with IP allocation
except that it might interfere.  The BoT specifically asked the AC for an
analysis and a recommendation on ARIN's involvement.

The AC is happy to oblige, and probably can provide some appropriate
feedback.  I do believe that the scope of the issue is beyond the normal
role of the AC and perhaps even its expertise.  Therein is the problem with
this sort of tangential involvement.  

The AC is selected by election to serve a pretty well defined role and
presumably their experience leads them to be recognized as appropriate
representatives.  When the AC is becomes activist or is diverted from that
role, especially widely, they may be acting outside their ability to
effectively serve the community they are supposed to represent.

Bill Darte

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