Policy 6 - Single organizations with multiple aggregation poi nts

David R Huberman huberman at gblx.net
Thu Nov 1 13:02:44 EST 2001

> One other critical point that you are missing is that:
> * An organization which would like to use this policy must apply for this
> policy to be applied to their maintainer account.
> Organizations wishing to continue with using multiple maintainer accounts
> would be free to do so.

I still don't see why this language need even be included. ARIN analysts
should automatically see that a provider is aggregating their address
space - such aggregation is readily apparent when a requestor provides
detailed utilization information. The onus should be on the ARIN staff to
apply this policy where it is relevant, not for the requestor to have to
prompt the staff. [That doesn't preclude the requestor from mentioning it,
of course...]


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