ARIN's policies concerning dial-up pools

Charles Scott cscott at
Fri Jan 19 15:09:28 EST 2001

  No offence guys, but I think it amounts to intereference in the
operations of the business if ARIN were to start saying how many modems
can be deployed, what the user to modem radio should be or that a provider
shouldn't assign static IP's for dial-in users. 
  I admit that allocating static IPs for all dial-in users is just plain
wastefull and it should certainly be written into the policy that doing
this for no good reason may cause problem with getting address space. (Of
course here are good reasons for some static allocations.) I would thing
however that getting into the game of determining what's a proper user to
modem ratio is out of line. Also, it would seem that deploying additional
modems in advance of demand (as unusual as that would seem to some
providers) is a very prudent thing to do and should not be discouraged. 

Chuck Scott

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