guideline for name-based web hosting justification

Jan Bacher jb at
Wed Sep 13 16:47:13 EDT 2000

>What about all the other issues people have raised?  QOS, black-holed IPs,
>HTTP/1.0 (which seems to be minimal, but from more digging on my own it
>could be as high as 5%), real-time web performance monitoring, SSL
>(supposedly and exemption, but not stated any where, and from some posts,
>not being taken seriously), databases that communicate by IP address
>(don't ask me), etc.

So, to cut to the chase:

1)  IP Address space conservation was implemented wrt to virtual domains 
without ensuring that appropriate solutions were available for the related 


2)  ARIN members were not given sufficient time to apply the appropriate 
solutions that would satisfy all concerns prior to the formal broadcast 
notifying members that an existing policy would be enforced where it had 
previously been allowed in the justification process.

That about sum it up?

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