[arin-discuss] Policy question

John Barfield jbarfield at txtelecom.net
Fri Apr 26 00:03:21 EDT 2019

To my knowledge, absolutely not. IP and number portability are two different animals. But if you wanted to be accomodating you could sell the IP space to them for the going rate (about $5k USD (or more now) per /24) and allow the new colo facility to announce the prefix through a temporary LOA while your customer gets their own ARIN account setup and receives authorization for their own ASN and tiny allocation , if that is what they desire. Otherwise, no,  it will be their own responsibility to go through with an IP migration. Your company basically owns the IP space that has been assigned to your ASN.

John Barfield

> On Apr 25, 2019, at 10:44 PM, David Rodecker <dave at serverisp.com> wrote:
> Is there any requirement for an ISP to allow transferring IP's in use by a customer to another ISP?
> In the telephone world, NANP requires local number portability such that a customer isn't beholden to a single carrier.
> Case example: Long standing customer at a data center with a /24 IP block wants to move to another datacenter.
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