[arin-discuss] 2017 Call for Nominations: ARIN Board of Trustees

Bill Woodcock woody at pch.net
Tue Jul 18 04:22:09 EDT 2017

This year I conclude my fifth term as an ARIN board member, and I have just declined nomination to run again.

I decline not because I have less to give to the community, but because my presence on the board is contributing to the most persistent problem the organization is facing.

I have nominated six candidates for the board, all of whom are at least as qualified as anyone presently serving, myself included.  NONE OF THEM ARE WHITE MEN.  And the only hard thinking I had to do was how to narrow it down to just six.  There is no shortage of qualified women, nor shortage of qualified people of other ethnicities.  As a community, we have NO EXCUSE to continue electing only white men.  We know that, we acknowledge it in meetings, yet when it comes time for the nomcom to build a slate and the electorate to vote, you keep picking me and people who look like me, rather than better-qualified women and men who could be representing your interests better than I do.

I’m giving up my seat for one reason, and one reason only.  Do not waste this opportunity.  Do not screw this up.  Do not think that you can just wait one more year before addressing it.  I need you all to stop making excuses, stop rationalizing that only a white man really understands your problems, and REPLACE ME AND TIM WITH TWO OF THESE EXCELLENT CANDIDATES.  Their experience is more current, their perspective is more valuable, and they’ll be more fun at socials.  Once you’ve taken this step, I promise you you’ll be wondering why you didn’t replace us sooner.


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