[arin-discuss] ipv6 fees in new fee structure

Alex Krohn alex-arin at gossamer-threads.com
Fri Feb 22 18:47:03 EST 2013


In the new pending fee structure here:


ISP's that have up to and including a /20 (X-Small) and who were "early"
adopters and received a /32 IPv6 allocation which was the minimum
allocation size at the time, will see their fees double.

This was discussed on the lists a lot in the past in this thread:


and a lot of opposition against seeing the rates double or being forced
to get a /36 and re-number.

What was the rational with going forward with this and not making a /32
be in the X-Small (or XX-Small I suppose), as that was the minimum size
available for a lot of people?



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