[arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

Jesse D. Geddis jesse at la-broadband.com
Mon May 14 17:35:32 EDT 2012

To most organizations there is no impact (technical or financial) to v4 depletion. I think that also applies to State's and municipalities. Evangelizing to them will have very little impact aside from adding an IPv6 address to their source NAT. The organizations in which it does impact are service providers and carriers who rely on address space to light new customers and services.

To my knowledge AT&T hasn't lit a single residence or phone with IPv6. Why? I would not generally suggest a stick approach but I think it would be appropriate for ARIN to take that approach to the verizons, AT&Ts, and the cable companies. Perhaps setting benchmarks for such companies as far as v6 rollouts before they can acquire any further v4 space would be the way to go. I think that would have an enormous impact that would have far reaching ripple effects beyond just the carrier sector. It would reach into the consumer sector as well as the enterprise sector. In addition it would have the added effect of slowing the depletion rate.

So if the goal is to encourage adoption in advance of depletion the only way, really, to accomplish that is to make the organizations start to feel the effects in advance of depletion. I don't see AT&T (and I'm sorry to keep using them as an example but they're a prime one) adjusting course until there is a real reason to. To my knowledge they haven't been provided one to date.

Jesse D. Geddis
LA Broadband LLC

From: <Chu>, "Yi [NTK]" <Yi.Chu at sprint.com<mailto:Yi.Chu at sprint.com>>
Date: Monday, May 14, 2012 2:06 PM
To: John Brown <john at citylinkfiber.com<mailto:john at citylinkfiber.com>>, Jesse Geddis <jesse at la-broadband.com<mailto:jesse at la-broadband.com>>, "<bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>>" <bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>>
Cc: "arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>" <arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>>, Jimmy Hess <mysidia at gmail.com<mailto:mysidia at gmail.com>>, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us<mailto:bill at herrin.us>>, Bill Darte <billdarte at gmail.com<mailto:billdarte at gmail.com>>
Subject: RE: [arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

If you work against economics, it is going to be very hard if not impossible, no matter how much outreach efforts ARIN or anyone else cares to invest.  If it does not make sense economically, it is not going to happen.

I am probably just stating the obvious.


From: owner-arin at sprint.net<mailto:owner-arin at sprint.net> [mailto:owner-arin at sprint.net] On Behalf Of John Brown
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 4:18 PM
To: Jesse D. Geddis; <bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>>
Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>; Jimmy Hess; William Herrin; Bill Darte
Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

I'd like to see more outreach.   City, County, State gov entities need to adopt IPv6.
ARIN can help with this.

ARIN should put a program together to touch every single state in the union.  Have a State specific IPv6 day, co-hosted / sponsored by the university and local service providers.


From: "Jesse D. Geddis" <jesse at la-broadband.com<mailto:jesse at la-broadband.com>>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 18:46:51 +0000
To: "<bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>>" <bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>>
Cc: "arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>" <arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>>, Jimmy Hess <mysidia at gmail.com<mailto:mysidia at gmail.com>>, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us<mailto:bill at herrin.us>>, Bill Darte <billdarte at gmail.com<mailto:billdarte at gmail.com>>
Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

1. That only impacts consumers an would have no pact on organisations like banks, hospitals, or other general IT organisations. Take for example an organisation like Westfield. That would mean what, exactly to an organisation like that? Very little methinks.

2. Attempting to enlist Google in driving global or nationwide IT budgets and directions makes me uncomfortable to say the least.

3. It's using the stick approach and that stick is already being wielded via a vis depletion of address space.

I think the appropriate courses of action are the ones already being taken. There is only so much you can do and it seems to me the catalyst for most organisations will be the depletion.

Jesse Geddis
LA Broadband LLC

On May 14, 2012, at 11:18 AM, "Babak Pasdar" <bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>> wrote:
Brilliant Bill -- Simply Brilliant!  Anyone at Google biting?

Babak Pasdar | President & CEO | Certified Ethical Hacker | Bat Blue Networks
(p) 212.461.3322 x3005 | (w) BatBlue.com<http://batblue.com/> | (t) @bpasdar<https://twitter.com/bpasdar> : @batblue<https://twitter.com/batblue>

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Bat Blue is The Official Provider for ESPN X Games<http://www.batblue.com/page.php?72>
From: Bill Darte [mailto:billdarte at gmail.com]
To: bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>
Cc: Chris Grundemann [mailto:cgrundemann at gmail.com], ARIN Discussion List [mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net], Jimmy Hess [mailto:mysidia at gmail.com], William Herrin [mailto:bill at herrin.us]
Sent: Mon, 14 May 2012 14:13:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

What we need is a v6-only YouTube or other content segregation that allows those with v6 to get a larger view of the worlds resources in some empathic way.
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Babak Pasdar <bpasdar at batblue.com<mailto:bpasdar at batblue.com>> wrote:

This is an important topic and I find your latter points to be especially on target.  Whenever I raise the IPv6 issue to my customers I get the same feedback:   "Yeah - Yeah, we've have been hearing this for years."

I believe that it is important for ARIN to develop more of an end-user campaign and in the effort to spell out the impact of lethargy and the failure to adapt.  ARIN needs not just to educate, but build momentum with strategic outreach so that IPv6 takes its place on the CIO mandate list.  This point is critical and I believe should be the center-piece of ARIN's efforts.  Bring on-board more strategic CIO evangelists and have them drive more high-profile IPv6 projects and others will follow.

Right now there is little to no IPv6 momentum in the US and thereby little to no CIO mandates for IPv6 projects which means lackluster industry engagement.

Best Regards,


Babak Pasdar | President & CEO | Certified Ethical Hacker | Bat Blue Networks
(p) 212.461.3322 x3005<tel:212.461.3322%20x3005> | (w) BatBlue.com<http://batblue.com/> | (t) @bpasdar<https://twitter.com/bpasdar> : @batblue<https://twitter.com/batblue>

Learn About Cloud Security: Cloud Security Video<http://www.batblue.com/page.php?96> | Cloud Network Video<http://www.batblue.com/page.php?97>

Bat Blue is The Official Provider for ESPN X Games<http://www.batblue.com/page.php?72>
From: Chris Grundemann [mailto:cgrundemann at gmail.com<mailto:cgrundemann at gmail.com>]
To: ARIN Discussion List [mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net<mailto:arin-discuss at arin.net>]
Cc: Jimmy Hess [mailto:mysidia at gmail.com<mailto:mysidia at gmail.com>], William Herrin [mailto:bill at herrin.us<mailto:bill at herrin.us>]
Sent: Mon, 14 May 2012 10:53:43 -0400
Subject: [arin-discuss] Encouraging IPv6 Transition (From PPML)

Four ideas to promote IPv6 deployment, for your consideration and discussion:

1) Make it as easy as possible for an org who actually wants IPv6 to
get it. This is mostly in place today (allocation fee waivers, one
maint. fee per Org ID, ease of qualification, etc.) but there is still
some possible room for improvement:
1A) Waive IPv6 assignment fees for end-users who request both IPv4
and IPv6 simultaneously.
1B) Move the </40 small/x-small threshold to <=/48.

2) Provide additional motivation for orgs to request and deploy IPv6.
There are several top of mind methods to accomplish this:
2A) Require the officer attestation to acknowledge the current
state of affairs regarding IPv4 exhaustion and IPv6 requirements.
2B) Continue or even ramp up (especially targeting end users) ARINs
outreach efforts (which have been substantial in previous years but
are being wound down post IANA-exhaustion).


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