[arin-discuss] Trying to Understand IPV6

Dan White dwhite at olp.net
Mon Sep 13 15:27:45 EDT 2010

On 13/09/10 12:01 -0700, Tim Howe wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 19:32:33 +0100
><michael.dillon at bt.com> wrote:
>> > If I assigned a customer say an IPV4 /21 in IPV6 this would translate
>> > into a /56? If I'm not mistaken a /56 would translate into something
>> > like 65,000 host addresses? That just seems like a lot of hosts to me,
>> Anyone in this position should simply assign a /48 to every customer site
>> no matter how big or small. A one bedroom apartment gets a /48. A manufacturing
>> plant with 5 buildings including a 4-story office block, gets a /48.
>> No exceptions.
>	This is slightly different than I have been led to think...  It
>seems wise, when you know the customer has no intention of having
>multiple networks, to provide a /64.  Not because you fear wasting

Consider a long range scenario for that customer. A scenario in which they
may purchase networking equipment for multiple purposes in 5 or 10, or 20
years that performs layer two separation between different functions in
their network. E.g. Wifi, Bluetooth/USB, appliances, voice, video, visitor
access, alarm system, automobiles, utilities, etc.

I find it benefitial to consider that I probably don't know what a
customer's network will look like in 20 years, and a /48 per customer is
probably wisest until we've gained more operational experience with IPv6 in
our own network.

Dan White

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