[arin-discuss] /20 initial allocation for single-homed server?

Kevin Loch kloch at kl.net
Sun May 23 15:59:17 EDT 2010

Randy McAnally wrote:
> Looks like Arin gives /20's to anyone and their grandparents these days?
> http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=6799154&postcount=1
> "I sell private web caching proxies and Im in need of another two dedicated
> servers with 2,000 ips assigned to each server. My budget is about
> $1,100/month and I dont need any control panel or management. I also don't
> spam or do anything illegal with these proxies. I already host with Ubiquity
> and their great, and only $200/month for 2k ips."

I would not take on such a customer as proxies are are likely to
involve abuse or legal issues in one direction or another. I would
also be very suspicious of their claims and intentions which don't
pass the smell test.

However, as far as ARIN is concerned if they can document 4000 unique
customers using 1 IP each what does it matter how many pieces of steel
are involved?  ARIN should not assign a penalty for energy efficiency.

- Kevin

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