[arin-discuss] ipv6 technology supplier phone bank?

Lee Howard spiffnolee at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 28 16:44:14 EDT 2009

> From: Tony Hain <alh-ietf at tndh.net>
> To: Paul Vixie <vixie at isc.org>
> Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net
> Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 3:58:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] ipv6 technology supplier phone bank?
> At the end of the day, the CIOs and their architects need to earn their keep

Enterprise CIOs, or ISP architects?  They have different problems with IPv6.

> by developing real 3-5 year plans that show the overall costs, and stop
> ignoring the cost of keeping IPv4 running as 'the cost of doing business'.
> Deploy CGNs (oh wait those cost money too, and the operational costs of
> diagnostics will be much higher than people expect ...), break IPv4 as
> people know it, then charge extra to put it back for those willing to pay.

ISPs will break IPv4 for their paying customers, and charge to put it back
together?    Brilliant!
Especially if the guy down the street hasn't broken it yet.[1]

> In other words, make the price for IPv4 service align with the costs that
> will be incurred to keep it running. Yes IPv6 deployment has a cost, but the
> sooner it can be demonstrated that the cost for keeping IPv4 on life support
> vastly exceeds that, the sooner work can begin on getting the replacement in
> place. 

How do you align those costs?
If IPv6 requires a new home gateway but IPv4 only requires part of a CGN, 
which is cheaper?  Who incurs the cost? [2] 

If IPv6 doesn't require a new home gateway, but only gets you to 50% of 
the Internet, which is cheaper?  Answer:  both is cheaper than one or the
other:  use CGN for IPv4-only traffic (so you don't lose customers, except
the stuff CGN breaks), use native IPv6 where possible (so you don't pay
for their CGN).  Cap and grow if you can.

Bonus questions:  What applications does your CGN break?  Are you using
CGN, dual-stack light, A+P, or portrange?  When will you need this in your
network, how long will it take to test it, and how long will it take to build the
provisioning and operational systems around it?


[1]  Notice whether IPv4 is broken for existing customers or only new
customers.  What happens to competition if users can't switch providers
and receive a comparable IPv4 service?
[2]  Important question.  Also important is, "Who are they paying, and what
does their ROI look like?"  Are CPE vendors thinking, "If I don't support
IPv6 until 2012, then all my consumers will have to buy new gear from me
again when they're forced into IPv6"?


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