[arin-discuss] Good Stewardship by example, I'd like to RETURN a /20

Joe Maimon jmaimon at chl.com
Fri Jul 24 14:09:06 EDT 2009

Arin allows for Designated Member Representative

While this will help with election representation, it wont help much to 
show consensus for policies.


> I agree.  There are plenty of good operations doing a few million a year in
> sales who seriously cannot afford the combined travel costs and lost time of
> key staff. Sending the receptionist doesn't do much good.  I really feel
> like the small ISP's need to band up, share expenses and delegate/hire a
> competent and loyal representative.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Brown [mailto:john at citylinkfiber.com] 
> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 12:37 PM
> Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net
> Subject: RE: [arin-discuss] Good Stewardship by example,I'd like to RETURN a
> /20
> When I was on the ARIN AC once upon a time, I often mentioned that the
> small guy wasn't considered as much as ARIN should be.  I was told that
> I was incorrect.  Hmm, I still think the small ISP, rural ISP is still
> overlooked.
> The small rural ISP doesn't have the time, or in many cases the money to
> fly and attend a ARIN meeting in some "expensive" city.   I had hoped
> that more local out-reach could be done with local meetings.  
> Associating ARIN meetings with NANOG meetings, while generally a good
> idea, also doesn't solve the issue for the small guy.  Must small ISP's
> don't attend NANOG either, for much the same reasons.
> This creates an impression that personal participation in ARIN is
> limited to the "BIG Guys", those that can afford to spend $1500 or more
> in travel and other costs to attend an ARIN meeting.
> As has been mentioned many a time on this and other lists, participation
> is key.  Whinning is non-productive, constructive suggestions are
> productive.
> There is also an educational ramp up issue to look at.  Many of those on
> this list have been involved with netops for decades, many of the
> questions have been asked and answered before, newer people now getting
> involved will ask those questions again.  It may be useful for the AC to
> work on a list of "common" questions for the website.
> 1. Why can or can't ARIN just make XXX return their space.
> 	Pre ARIN      allocated
> 	Pre InterNIC  allocated
> Etc.
> In general the community needs to keep an open mind to the questions
> that come forward.  There could be good ideas in there.
> A detailed look at the space, and really what is in use vs allocated
> needs to be conducted.
> With respects to IPv6.  Bottom line.  That train is coming to town, get
> your depot built and ready to receive the cargo, or be by-passed.  The
> fact that your provider doesn't have it yet is an invalid excuse.  Get
> it working internally, use a tunnel broker, but get it working.  Then
> BUG THE HECK out of your providers sales guy every other week.  They
> will get the message. 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net 
>> [mailto:arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net] On Behalf Of VAUGHN 
>> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:08 AM
>> To: 'Owen DeLong'
>> Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net
>> Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Good Stewardship by example,I'd 
>> like to RETURN a /20
>> Thanks for fleshing that out Owen.
>> I think the issue is that small ISP's (overworked and often 
>> overwhelmed) have not been paying attention.
>> I think the "community" is being represented by a subset that 
>> seems to have (opinion here, not asserting as fact) been 
>> under-representing the small ISP's, which by the way make up 
>> the bulk of the community - the silent majority in fact.
>> I hope I am not the only part of the sleeping bear that has 
>> been awakened, but believe we are paying more attention now.  
>> You might not be so lonely on that stance should it come up again.
>> ~Vaughn
>> From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen at delong.com]
>> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 11:15 AM
>> Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net
>> Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Good Stewardship by example, I'd 
>> like to RETURN a /20
>> 	PS.  I also just learned (from an offline conversation, 
>> quote below) that
>> 	ARIN recently set a policy to allow the selling of IP 
>> space (paid transfers)
>> 	between organizations.  Does this seem counter to good 
>> stewardship in a time
>> 	of impending depletion?  If I have my head on straight, 
>> this is a pretty
>> 	kind act towards those same early/big assignment 
>> holders, isn't it?
>> You say "ARIN recently set" as if ARIN was some third party 
>> setting policy
>> independent of input from the membership or the community.
>> While the policy proposals in question took a tortured and 
>> circuitous route
>> to adoption, it was definitely done with community input and support
>> throughout the process.
>> It is a matter of record that I was the only dissenting voice 
>> in passing
>> policy proposal 2009-1, and, that I did so strictly because I 
>> felt that the
>> community's interests were not represented in the removal of 
>> the sunset
>> clause. Given the lack of support for subsequently restoring 
>> the sunset
>> clause both in the AC and apparently on PPML, I can only conclude
>> that my belief the community wanted the sunset clause may well have
>> been incorrect.
>> While I remain unconvinced that a liberalized transfer policy is good
>> policy, I am convinced that of the community which was participating
>> in policy development at the time the issue was being 
>> considered, there
>> was/is strong support for such a policy.
>> I do not believe the ARIN should adopt bad policy just because there
>> is strong community support for it.  However, I do believe 
>> that if ARIN
>> (specifically the AC and the BoT) are going to go against strong
>> community support, then, they should be somewhat certain that the
>> policy in question is bad policy. I am not sufficiently 
>> certain that the
>> relaxed transfer policy is bad policy.
>> Owen
>> The opinions above are mine and mine alone.  I am not speaking
>> for the AC and many members of the AC disagree with me on
>> this subject.
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