[arin-discuss] Food for thought: IPv4 accountability.

Tony Valenti tony.valenti at powerdnn.com
Tue Jul 21 23:00:43 EDT 2009

I honestly think that if ARIN is wanting to drive IPV6 adoption, what they
really need to do is start targeting the "source" of IP traffic instead of
the "destination".  I don't claim to be an IPV6 expert, but from what I have
gathered, an IPV6 system can initiate a conversation to an IPV4 network but
not vice versa.  If that's the case, then running a dual stack doesn't
matter.  If a customer is on an IPV4 network then they can access my IPV4
gear and if they're on an IPV6 network, then they can still access my IPV6
If a majority of our customers were on IPV6 networks (and our upstream
providers supported it), I wouldn't think twice before going IPV6.  But,
since our upstream providers aren't going to change, we're really held
hostage in IPV4-mode by their decisions.

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Artur (eBoundHost) <artur at eboundhost.com>wrote:

> - What legal right does ARIN have
> - to tell Apple to do anything?  If Apple
> - got the space pre-ARIN and the rules
> - where different then, what gives ARIN
> - the ability to  enforce rules today.
> Who says that they will put up a fight?  Did anyone ask them to release the
> unused space?
> Best Regards,
> Artur
> eBoundHost
> http://www.eboundhost.com
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