[arin-discuss] ARIN spammed us with "talk to the hand" ?

Jo Rhett jrhett at svcolo.com
Thu Feb 26 20:34:47 EST 2009

Can someone explain to me why ARIN spammed all of our ARIN contacts  
(including (A)buse contacts!) with a notice that says "talk to the  
hand" ?

> If you or your peers experience any of these types of problems, you  
> are
> encouraged to contact and work with third-party information software  
> vendors
> and/or the content providers directly to effect changes.

If ARIN can not and will not do anything to contact these parties and  
get it resolved, why does it send a notice telling us with this?  Next  
week will we see a notice that ARIN won't be involved in saving  
starving children in Africa?  I imagine that ARIN will be very busy  
informing us of every thing it does not plan to work on ... is this  
helpful?  Honestly?

Entire message below:
> Per a request from an ARIN customer, ARIN is sending you this letter  
> as
> a courtesy notification of problems some registrants of ARIN-issued  
> IPv4
> addresses have experienced.
> Some geolocation and content providers are misidentifying ARIN-issued
> address space as being outside the ARIN region. Common problems  
> experienced
> by ARIN registrants over the last two years include:
> - search engines misidentifying the addresses as being in South  
> America;
> - content caching providers sending traffic via nodes in South  
> America; and
> - e-commerce transactions failing or being delaying due to fraud  
> prevention
> procedures being triggered when the payment processing system  
> believes the
> transaction is originating in South America.
> Registrants have experienced these problems both with new IANA- 
> issued /8s
> (like and and with /8s which ARIN has  
> issued and
> re-issued over many years (like
> If you or your peers experience any of these types of problems, you  
> are
> encouraged to contact and work with third-party information software  
> vendors
> and/or the content providers directly to effect changes.
> Regards,
> Leslie Nobile
> Director, Registration Services
> American Registry for Internet Numbers
Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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