[arin-discuss] The joy of SWIPping

Aaron Wendel aaron at wholesaleinternet.com
Tue May 20 18:12:33 EDT 2008

The whole SWIP thing has brought out a lot of issues not the least of which
are privacy and responsibility.  

At this point I am of the opinion that the whole 'REASSIGN" template should
be done away with and only reallocates done for people who are responsible
for their own infrastructure under the service provider. If you have
questions about other parts of someone's network then you contact the person
ultimately responsible for the IPs.  

The purpose of SWIP and RWHOIS should be redefined as a system that holds
information used for contacting parties responsible for the IP networks and
away from a list of people who may or may not know what an IP even is.

>I see what you mean about the brilliance thing.  
>It never occured to you that you could list
>someone who WOULD take responsibility for the 
>network even if they weren't the individual
>to whom the IP address was assigned?  You're 
>on the right track.  If you won't take responsibility
>for your own network, hire someone that will.

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