[arin-discuss] Status of Investigations
Edward B. DREGER
eddy+arin+spam at noc.everquick.net
Tue Jan 1 21:28:48 EST 2008
JH> Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 17:38:56 -0800
JH> From: Jay Hennigan
JH> The geographic regions defined by ARIN and NANOG are similar.
American Registry Internet... North American Network Ops... genius!
JH> As an ARIN member, I feel that ARIN staff should indeed be very
JH> involved with NANOG. For them not to be would be dereliction of
JH> their duty.
Indeed. As an ARIN member, I'd be displeased if ARIN were to dish out
ivory-tower policies without even attempting to understand the
operational issues and impact.
IMHE (E = experience), dealing with ARIN is easier and more logical now
than at the turn of the century. I still disagree with a few things,
but we'll save that for another discussion.
Perhaps the NANOG-ARIN interaction (influx of NANOG regulars, joint
meetings, et cetera) has made ARIN more aware/sensitive of, and
responsive to operational concerns.
JH> So far, on the list of entities Dean Anderson doesn't like:
JH> * Paul Vixie (and/or MAPS)
JH> Any others?
In the name of trying to keep things on-topic, let's not start
enumerating personal vendettas. I'm sure a Google search or three will
give good insight; those interested can "figure it out" themselves.
Perhaps Dean would like to run for an ARIN BoT or AC position. Such an
election might indicate a manifest for his proposals, and would also
give him more direct influence.
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