[arin-discuss] Suggestion to resolve the ARIN dispute

John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Tue Feb 5 20:13:09 EST 2008

At 7:31 PM -0500 2/5/08, Dean Anderson wrote:
>As Curran is only a Board Member, he has no authority to impose such
>resolution. In fact, as I read it, Curran has proposed having the
>membership vote on the subject at the next member meeting.  I'll have
>some bylaw changes for that meeting, as well.

Thank you for bringing forth your specific concerns, as germane suggestions
for improvement to our processes are always welcome.   As far as ARIN is
concerned, our trustee election processes have been reviewed with counsel
and have been found to be both democratic and conducted in accordance
with the relevant Bylaws and Virginia law. 

And to be clear, I have suggested that the community discuss multiple
election topics at the upcoming meeting in order to gain understanding
into any possible improvements.


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