[arin-discuss] proposal: cloture procedures

Edward B. DREGER eddy+arin+spam at noc.everquick.net
Tue Feb 5 09:49:23 EST 2008

[ apologies if this is better suited to PPML ]

I move that ARIN lists would benefit from cloture procedures.  Proposal:


1. Any member may request a thread-kill vote:

	a. via a user-authenticated section on ARIN's website;

	b. once within a 30-day moving window;

	c. for a thread discussed on any list to which s/he is
	subscribed, without regard to posting priviliges or
	participation level.

2. Upon request per (1):

	a. a thread-kill announcement shall be sent to the list;

	b. the "time of announcement" shall be the time that ARIN MXes
	finished conversation with the last-contacted subscriber MX,
	without regard to 2xx/4xx/5xx/other status.

3. Votes must be cast within 48 hours of (2).

4. A two-thirds majority of the votes cast via (3) shall be required to
kill a thread.

5. In the event that two-thirds of list subscribers vote in favor of
killing a thread before deadline (3), the thread shall be killed


Note that the required majority should be high:  Individuals not
interested in a discussion or poster can use client-side filtering rules
on a spot basis.  Cloture should be reserved for clear-cut cases where
it would benefit more than a simple majority.

I feel that this would benefit all subscribers.  Those wishing to stop a
discussion would have a means to do so -- iff backed by sufficient like
minds.  Those wishing to continue a discussion would have a manifest to
do so were sufficient votes not cast.

Then we can quit arguing about whether we should quit arguing. :-)

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