[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

Edward B. DREGER eddy+arin+spam at noc.everquick.net
Tue Feb 5 09:27:20 EST 2008

DA> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 20:04:57 -0500 (EST)
DA> From: Dean Anderson

DA> I don't want to encourage the small noisy group who advocate their
DA> views by threatening and trying to suppress or silence contrary
DA> views

Tu quoque.

DA> Honest corporate governance is important; and that's why members
DA> should [and a great many do!] care.

Spot-on.  Many do care.  But let's dispense of this straw man:  Members
can care _without_ wanting Dean Anderson, Carl Icahn, or any other
personality becoming a self-appointed knight in shining armor for "the
rest of us".

All this talk about "members" starts to sound like a politician
blathering about "citizens" or "consumers".  Argumentum ad numerum.
Although you cite good principles, I _do not_ agree with neither your
conclusions nor your tactics.  I do not wish for you to be my voice in

It appears fact-finding is under way.  Until discovery is completed, any
further conjecture is just that: conjecture.  Any sort of presentation
as fact, or in a light that a reasonable person might believe it to be
fact, would just be naughty.

My position, for the record:

* I'd like to know how ARIN money is spent.  Perhaps the membership can
discuss what, if any, changes should be made to annual reporting.
Having more detail seems a reasonable request.

* I am glad that ARIN sends non-op staff to NANOG meetings.  I _want_
ARIN staff to understand that which they are tasked to govern.  We
might need to decide what amounts/methods are appropriate, but I do
not agree with "zero".  Having all staff understand their company's
industry and purpose is a good thing.

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