[arin-discuss] round and round we go (Re: No quorum in last election)

Edward B. DREGER eddy+arin+spam at noc.everquick.net
Mon Feb 4 12:15:57 EST 2008

ML> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 08:46:40 -0700
ML> From: Mike Lieberman

ML> I have now gone to the by-laws and read them. My only question is -
ML> why has so much time been spend on this thread when the by-laws are
ML> indeed as you stated and so clearly not what was being argued (on
ML> both sides)?

It appears that some posters are fond of poisoning the well and of proof
by assertion.  I hope readers recognize and discard such fallacious
"reasoning", but can understand how it may be tempting to feed trolls.

When it is clear that two (or more) positions cannot achieve common
ground, further discussion becomes fruitless.  Either agree to disagree,
or find a more appropriate venue.

Perhaps ARIN lists need cloture procedures and posting-policy
clarification.  One could examine BCP 83 as an analogous starting point.

A request to those posting _ad nauseum_:  You clearly have the time to
follow these threads and participate.  Spend a little of that time
organizing your thoughts concisely and succinctly.  Show some respect
for those whose "email playtime" is more limited.

What have the past few months of flamewars accomplished?  AFAICT,
driving away list subscribers, potentially alienating members, and not
much else.  Is this the best use of ARIN funds?

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