[arin-discuss] [ppml] Counsel statement on Legacy assignments?

Mike Berger berger at shout.net
Thu Oct 11 09:02:16 EDT 2007

If you let "market forces" determine IPV4 allocations, small ISP's will 
cease to exist
altogether.  Look what happened to the radio spectrum.

Ron Cleven wrote:
> As a small ISP, I would never pay for more IP's than I needed to support 
> my customer base.  If you have been living with relatively static IP 
> space for many years, I don't think you understand the capricious nature 
> of the current ARIN administration of IPV4 space.  Rather than letting 
> market forces influence the number of IP's allocated, they force you 
> through a series of detailed and antiquated templates, even requiring 
> you in some instances to reveal sensitive customer lists.

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