[arin-discuss] ARIN Fee discussion

Howard, W. Lee Lee.Howard at stanleyassociates.com
Wed Oct 10 22:53:08 EDT 2007

Michael K Smith said:
> I think a new discussion about fees is relevant, but I have a 
> concern, perhaps unfounded.  Let's say someone proposes a new 
> cost structure (per IP, beads and baubles, whatever).  That 
> policy is then sent to the PPML list for review.  My question 
> is, who is reviewing it at that point?

The Finance Committee recommends fees to the Board of Trustees.
The members of the Board are elected by ARIN members in good

You tell these folks what you think on arin-discuss or PPML
or in whatever dark alley you happen to find them.  ARIN-discuss
is preferred.

> More specifically, what is the distribution on the PPML list 
> of the various customer types by ARIN size?  My concern is 
> that the list is mostly comprised of larger players who have 
> a better understanding of the process and the importance of 
> participation, while the smaller folks are underrepresented.  
> Thus, the conversation is dominated by those larger players, 
> not because of any nefarious underpinnings or sleight of 
> hand, just because that's who happens to be on the list.

Looking at the archives,
the conversation has included input
from quite a few people, whose affiliations I'm guessing from email 
address unless I know better. . .

Michael K. Smith				Adhost.com
Dean Anderson				AV8.net
Marla Azinger				ARIN AC, Frontier Communications
Mike Berger					Shout.net
Leo Bicknell				ARIN AC, Harrah's Entertainment
Philip Clark				Paxio.com
Ron Cleven					cleven.com
John Curran					ARIN BoT, ServerVault
Owen DeLong					JITTR Networks
Barry Dykes					ViaWest
Kevin Dziekonski				tst-us.com
Steve Feldman				CNET.com
Keith Hare					JCC.com
Lee Howard					ARIN BoT, Stanley
Kirk Ismay					Net Idea	
Jeremy Anthony Kinsey			Bella Mia
Chad Kissinger				Onramp Access
Michael Lambert				Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Scott Leibrand				InterNAP
Thomas Leonard				LANline Communications
Ed Lewis					Neustar
Michael Thomas				Mathbox
Ted Mittelstaedt				IPINC
David Picard				Internet Galilee
Ray Plzak					ARIN President and CEO
Steven Raposo				19th Floor
Daniel Ruiz					Anillo Networks
David Muir Sharnoff			Idiom.com
Paul Vixie					ARIN BoT, ISC
Aaron Wendel				Wholesale Internet
David Williamson				TellMe Networks
Bill Woodcock				ARIN BoT, Packet Clearinghouse
Ryan Yaldor					TampaBay DSL
Michael Dillon				BT.com
(excluded unsubscribe messages)

Sorry if I missed anyone, or guessed wrong about your
affiliation.  This was a good brain-idling task.

I don't see any major carrier represented.  Maybe you could
say BT, InterNAP and Neustar are big players (in different
ways).  The folks from BT, InterNAP and Neustar posted a 
combined total of 5 messages of the 150 so far this month.

A glance at PPML looks like there were a few more posts from
ISP-related people.  

You didn't ask, but four of the 15 ARIN AC members and none 
of the 7 ARIN Board members work for large Internet providers.

Based on this sampling (please search through the archives
on your own and see what you get) I find no support for
the assertion that big players dominate ARIN conversations.


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