[arin-discuss] Irrelevance (fwd)

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at ipinc.net
Mon Nov 12 14:43:57 EST 2007

Dean, why are you taking this as some sort of personal insult and why
do you feel the need to respond to these people in a negative fashion?

You don't run the mailing list you have no idea if they have really
unsubscribed or have just decided to go back into lurk mode.

If I had a dollar for every time on a public form I've read people
threatening to unsubscribe as a result of reading something they don't
like I'd be a rich man.

Equating ANYONE's posts on the mailing list with SPAM
is childish and shows the poster has absolutely
no understanding of what real SPAM is, it shows the posters ignorance
is all it does.  I invited Terri Kelly to contribute after his first
unsubscribe threaten, and he refused to do it - that showed his true
colors - clearly the guy or girl or whatever had no plans to stick
around, and just figured as he was leaving to take a pot shot at you.
Tom Burling is just another one of these who also had nothing to
contribute and was obviously planning on
leaving and figured he'd help the community by taking a potshot at
the resident expert on tinfoil hats.

These "I'm gonna unsubscribe if you don't shaddup" posts are mainly
trolling and you either call the troll's bluff like I did with Terri,
or you ignore them.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net
>[mailto:arin-discuss-bounces at arin.net]On Behalf Of Dean Anderson
>Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 2:02 PM
>To: Tom Burling
>Cc: arin-discuss at arin.net
>Subject: Re: [arin-discuss] Irrelevance (fwd)
>On Sun, 11 Nov 2007, Tom Burling wrote:
>> Sorry guys, this is it. Until you fix this thing, I'm off the list.  
>It is strange that a senior manager with public corporation experience
>should be so intolerant of the views of others.
>> And as a note to someone who wants to monopolize (and ruin) this forum
>I haven't "monopolized" anything.  You are free to post about anything
>you like, including your extreme dislike of accountability.
>> I am a CFO of a public reporting corporation, and understand corporate
>> management and fiduciary responsibilities.
>It is unclear that you fully understand those responsibilities, if you
>are unaware of the right of members/shareholders to investigate
>misconduct in an organization.  You should know that there is nothing to
>"fix". "Fixing", as I take your meaning, just creates the both the facts
>and the appearance of a coverup of misconduct or corruption.  You should
>have learned that in 30 years. If corporate officers and Board Members
>could silence members or shareholders, and refuse cooperation and access
>to documents, there would never be any corruption charges: No one would
>be able to find anything out. You should know that, as a CFO.  But I can
>perhaps understand why CFO's might resent those particular rights of
>members and shareholders.
>> I also agree that for ARIN to operate without input from the TECHNICAL
>> people that rely upon its functioning, it is operating in the dark.  
>> They should not only be allowed to participate, they should be
>> encouraged to do so.
>I've never said that ARIN should operate without the input of technical
>people. Please don't misrepresent my position.  Giving $120,000+ to 
>NANOG is not required to obtain 'technical input'.
>> I'm not some junior manager, I'm an old man with almost thirty years
>> in corporate management - and I don't have time to read what has
>> basically become more annoying than SPAM.  To ARIN, when you fix this
>> forum let me know. I'd like to participate in a serious dialogue.
>It is strange that you object to spam, but don't object to spammers
>running ARIN.
>But I'm glad that you object to spam. If spammers weren't running the
>anti-spam efforts and making money from both, I'm sure there would be
>less spam.
>		--Dean
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