[arin-discuss] Legacy RSA

Dean Anderson dean at av8.com
Fri Nov 9 16:23:31 EST 2007

On Fri, 9 Nov 2007, John Curran wrote:

> At 2:16 PM -0500 11/9/07, Dean Anderson wrote:
> >This describes _NANOG_ activites, not ARIN educational outreach.  Merit
> >should fund Nanog activities, not ARIN.  NANOG has apparently been
> >unable to get community support for its funding, apparently for very
> >good reason. 
> NANOG is trying to keep meeting costs affordable, and having
> access to these meetings remotely is definitely educational to
> the ARIN community.

If 'having access to Nanog remotely' was so beneficial, they would
contribute to NANOG, or their meeting fees would pay for NANOG. The
reason that NANOG has a lack of funds is because your assertion of
community benefit is false.  It is not in ARIN's mission or interest to
help keep _NANOG_ meeting costs affordable. That's not in the ARIN
charter.  That's just in your personal interest.

The things that NANOG is trying to do may indeed be good in principle
even if done badly in practice.  But the Red Cross is very good and
useful organization, too.  But NANOGs purpose is different from what
ARIN is chartered to do.  ARIN is not chartered to help NANOG keep its
meetings affordable.

> >Curran is conflicted.
> Okay, more out of curiosity, how am conflicted? 
> /John

You participated in 14 NANOG meetings (that I have records of). You are
one of the 50 or so core participants in NANOG.  Attendence records
chart your employment from GTE Internetworking, Nextlink, and XO, before
ARIN began paying your attendence fees in 2004.  Why is ARIN paying your
fees to attend NANOG?  This doesn't seem appropriate expense for a Board
Member. Invited speakers shouldn't be charged meeting fees.

In fact, according to NANOG attendence lists, ARIN paid NANOG attendence
fees _163_ times. At $450.00 per person (going to $550 for 2007) that
adds up to about $73,350.00.  Why is ARIN paying so many ARIN staff to
go to NANOG? How is that an appropriate expense?  You went along this.

N-15:Hubbard, Kim ARIN Speaker 
N-15:Kern, Barkley ARIN ------ 
N-15:Martin, Dawn ARIN ------ 
N-16:Clements, Cathy ARIN Paid 
N-16:Davis, Nate ARIN Speaker 
N-16:Weaver, Sue ARIN Paid 
N-17:Hubbard, Kim ARIN Paid 
N-17:Jimmerson, Richard ARIN Paid 
N-18:Hubbard, Kim ARIN Speaker 
N-18:Jimmerson, Richard ARIN Paid 
N-18:Kertzman, Samuel ARIN Paid 
N-19: ARIN
N-19: ARIN
N-19: ARIN
N-20: ARIN
N-20: ARIN
N-20: ARIN
N-20: ARIN
N-20: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-21: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: Genuity Inc. / ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-22: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-23: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-24: ARIN
N-25:Byrne Jason ARIN Paid 
N-25:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-25:Lewis Edward ARIN Paid 
N-25:Listman Ginny ARIN Speaker 
N-25:Murphy Cathy ARIN Paid 
N-25:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-25:Plzak Raymond ARIN Paid 
N-25:Sybert James  ARIN Paid 
N-26:Byrne Jason ARIN Paid 
N-26:Eastman Bruce ARIN Paid 
N-26:Hamlin Susan ARIN Paid 
N-26:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-26:Lewis Edward ARIN Paid 
N-26:Losee Peter ARIN Paid 
N-26:Mimna Bernadette ARIN Paid 
N-26:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-26:Sepehrrad Mohammad ARIN Paid 
N-26:Wilder Donald  ARIN Paid 
N-27:Clements Cathy ARIN Paid 
N-27:Curran John ARIN Paid 
N-27:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-27:Lewis Edward ARIN Paid 
N-27:Nobile Leslie ARIN Speaker 
N-28:Lewis Edward ARIN Speaker 
N-28:Loevner Michael ARIN Paid 
N-28:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-29:Bohlin Einar ARIN Paid 
N-29:Byrne Jason ARIN Paid 
N-29:Hamlin Susan ARIN Paid 
N-29:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-29:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-29:Pizzarello Edward ARIN Paid 
N-29:Plzak Raymond ARIN Paid 
N-29:Ryanczak Matt ARIN Paid 
N-29:Sybert James ARIN Paid 
N-29:Yan Ming ARIN Paid 
N-30:Centanni Erin ARIN Paid 
N-30:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-30:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-30:Plzak Raymond ARIN Speaker 
N-30:Sybert James ARIN Paid 
N-31:Curran John ARIN Paid 
N-31:Huberman David  ARIN Paid 
N-31:Lewis Edward ARIN Speaker 
N-31:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-32:Ardelean Dan ARIN, Purdue University Speaker 
N-32:Bicknell Leo ARIN AC Paid 
N-32:Bohlin Einar ARIN Paid 
N-32:Centanni Erin ARIN Paid 
N-32:Curran John ARIN Paid 
N-32:Darte Bill ARIN AC Paid 
N-32:Eastman Chad ARIN Paid 
N-32:Hamlin Susan ARIN Paid 
N-32:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Speaker 
N-32:Nobile Leslie  ARIN Paid 
N-32:Plzak Raymond ARIN Speaker 
N-32:Rowley Matt ARIN Paid 
N-32:Ryanczak Matt ARIN Paid 
N-33:Curran John ARIN Paid 
N-33:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-33:O'Neill Michael ARIN Paid 
N-34:Curran John ARIN Paid 
N-34:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-34:O'Neill Michael ARIN Paid 
N-34:Plzak Raymond ARIN Speaker 
N-34:Worley Jon ARIN Paid 
N-35:Bicknell Leo ARIN Advisory Council Paid 
N-35:Bohlin Einar ARIN Paid 
N-35:Christensen Tim ARIN Paid 
N-35:Clements Cathy ARIN Paid 
N-35:Conrad David ARIN Paid 
N-35:Darte Bill ARIN AC & Washington Univ. in St. Louis Paid 
N-35:Hamlin Susan ARIN Paid 
N-35:Jimmerson Richard ARIN Paid 
N-35:Manning Bill ARIN Paid 
N-35:Nobile Leslie ARIN Paid 
N-35:Plzak Raymond ARIN Speaker 
N-35:Roberts Lea Stanford Univeristy/ARIN AC Paid 
N-35:Rowley Matthew ARIN Paid 
N-35:Ryanczak Matt ARIN Paid 
N-35:Taylor Stacy ARIN AC/TWTC Paid 
N-35:Thielke Abram ARIN Paid 
N-36:Curran     John    ARIN    Paid
N-36:Jimmerson  Richard         ARIN    Paid
N-36:Nobile     Leslie  ARIN    Paid
N-37:Huberman   David   ARIN    Paid
N-37:Jimmerson  Richard         ARIN    Paid
N-37:Nobile     Leslie  ARIN    Paid
N-37:O'Neill    Michael         ARIN    Paid
N-38:Azinger    Marla   Frontier Communications and ARIN AC
N-38:Bohlin     Einar   ARIN
N-38:Curran     John    ARIN / ServerVault
N-38:Darte      Bill    ARIN AC & Washington Univ. in St. Louis
N-38:Huberman   David   ARIN
N-38:Manning    Bill    ARIN
N-38:Nobile     Leslie  ARIN
N-38:Plzak      Raymond         ARIN
N-38:Pounsett   Matt    ARIN AC / CIRA
N-38:Roberts    Lea     Stanford University/ARIN AC
N-38:Rowley     Matthew         ARIN
N-38:Ryanczak   Matt    ARIN
N-39:Christensen        Tim     ARIN
N-39:Davis      Nate    ARIN
N-39:Goedrich   Erika   ARIN
N-39:Middleton  Stephen         ARIN
N-39:Pounsett   Matt    ARIN AC / CIRA
N-40:Azinger    Marla   Frontier Communications and ARIN AC
N-40:Christensen        Tim     ARIN
N-40:Goedrich   Erika   ARIN
N-40:Huberman   David   ARIN
N-40:Nobile     Leslie  ARIN
N-40:Ryanczak   Matt    ARIN
N-41:Azinger    Marla   Frontier Communications and ARIN AC
N-41:Curran     John    ARIN / ServerVault
N-41:Darte      Bill    ARIN AC & Washington Univ. in St. Louis
N-41:Edelman    Benjamin        Harvard Business School / ARIN
N-41:Jimmerson  Richard         ARIN
N-41:Nobile     Leslie  ARIN
N-41:Plzak      Ray     ARIN
N-41:Pounsett   Matt    ARIN AC / CIRA
N-41:Roberts    Lea     Stanford University/ARIN AC
N-41:Ryan       Stephen         ARIN
N-41:Ryanczak   Matt    ARIN
N-41:Stark      Ray     ARIN


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