[arin-discuss] ARIN Travel

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Nov 2 15:05:51 EDT 2007

At 11:14 -0700 11/2/07, G.Hiscott wrote:

>What do you mean by the word "Strengthen" -  Does that mean it will help
>arin to get members converted to IPV6 faster ?  Will it reduce their
>costs in some way ?  Will it help them with a breakthrough development
>in administrating address space?

ARIN's role is to serve the public interest.  ARIN is a reflection of 
its environment.  As such, a reflection, it can be no better than 
what comes in.  The greater the spectrum of input, the stronger the 
reflection will be.

ARIN is not to dominate the discussion.  ARIN is not the source of 
influence.    If ARIN is unduly influenced by one corner of the 
audience, it will fail its mission.  Ultimately it would wither and 
fade.  If ARIN is unbalanced, shows bias, it is malfunctioning.  If 
the situation is noticed and remains unfixed, ARIN should be 

The power of ARIN is not from it's position of dominance but via the 
open, transparent, bottom-up process that those of us who have been 
participating are fostering.  This is why I believe that the most 
important part of the face-to-face meeting agendas are the open mics. 
Any can have a say and the words are recorded into archived material. 
It is not a monopoly.

ARIN's job is not limited to getting it's members converted to IPv6. 
ARIN's job is to make sure that the global investment to date in a 
scalable, end-to-end data communications grid is sustained into the 
future.  ARIN is not to promote IPv6, but that is the most workable 
solution to the greater goal.  As part of that, ARIN (staff)'s job is 
to get the word out as widely as possible.

What's the cost of not having a global network?  Think of how costs 
have gone down as commerce on the Internet has increased - for 
services that have existed before the Internet came around.  Think 
about the rise in the standard of living that has come about via the 
innovations in services that have come from the Internet and IP 

Breakthrough in administration of address space?  That's not the 
goal, but then again, administering IPv6 is going to be much easier 
than IPv4.  From the point of view of ARIN and for LIR's and for 
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Think glocally.  Act confused.

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