[arin-discuss] ARIN presence at VON

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Nov 2 13:58:09 EDT 2007

I want to voice support for ARIN staff's decision to have a presence 
at VON.  It shows that ARIN's staff is well aware of the world beyond 
the "traditional" public Internet, that being the RIR's, IETF, ISOC, 
ICANN, *NOG's (NANOG here) and such meetings.

I wouldn't be surprised if ARIN staff were to consider attending 
other events such as GSMA, W3C, OASIS, to name just a few, plus 
ITU-related events, etc.  The benefit to the ARIN community is that 
this is one way to broaden the spectrum of voices in the bottom-up 
process we have fostered, one way to prevent ARIN from being 
"controlled" by any one bloc of interests.

Recognizing that as much as ARIN is an Internet Organization it is 
also a Registry.  I wouldn't be surprised if the staff were to feel 
that interaction with registries of other kinds would strengthen ARIN.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Think glocally.  Act confused.

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