[arin-discuss] How long should the suggestion process take?

David Williamson dlw+arin at tellme.com
Fri Jul 13 14:20:39 EDT 2007

(This seems like the right list for this question, since it's not about

I don't see any guidance on the web pages that describe the
consultation and suggestion process, so it's very unclear to me what
expectations to have about how long the process should take.

I think it would be useful to provide some sort of expectations for
this process.  As an alternative, there could at least be some feedback
on what's going on.

I mostly mention this because I submitted a suggestion almost three
months ago, and it's status is still "under review".  I've not heard
anything about it at all.  While I'm not really concerned that there's
nothing happening, it would be nice to know that something is

I could make a suggestion about this, but.... :)

Can someone comment on how the process is handled and what feedback
should be expected (and when?)



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