[arin-discuss] Spammer/Abuser screening policy

Bill Van Emburg arin-member at quadrix.com
Tue Apr 25 18:37:50 EDT 2006

> From: "Darren E. Canady" <dcanady at heraklesdata.com>
> In contrast, please recognize that your Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) will
> be insufficient if you ever get "blacklisted" by the VERY OPENLY HOSTILE
> anti-spam community. (It is also WISE to have your terms clearly
> documented in your AUP for legal protections in case it's ever
> necessary). 
> [...]
> In the end, we had to cancel the contract with BlueStream Media, for the
> greater good of our customer-base. They were very understanding of the
> bigger picture for us, and I actually felt for them. However, I never
> got around to following up to see how they were doing in their
> "legitimate" business initiatives. 
While I, having suffered the consequences of major ISPs'
auto-blacklisting me for the "crime" of forwarding my customers' e-mail
to them without adequate spam filtering, can *certainly* feel for the
pain and frustration you endured, you've got to admit, their policy is

After much pain, you've learned that you must actively screen your
potential customers.  I completely agree with the advice you shared --
check against these blacklists, and don't take on the customer if
they're on one of them.  It's too painful.

But, you gotta admit, that means that the anti-spam community is
achieving its goal of making the Internet a hostile place for spammers
and those for whom they advertise.

-Bill Van Emburg
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.

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