[ARIN-consult] [General-members] ARIN Customer Count and Average Revenue Trend (was: Re: Consultation on Approaches for Adjusting the ARIN Registration Services Plan Fee Schedule)

William Herrin bill at herrin.us
Thu May 2 23:50:51 EDT 2024

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 5:08 PM Tyler O'Meara via ARIN-consult
<arin-consult at arin.net> wrote:
> 2) When fees need to be increased, I think it's valuable for the community to
> revisit how we dole out fees rather than just continuing with the status quo.
> For example, maybe the next time we need to increase fees, rather than just
> increasing the prices on the fee schedule it would be better to decrease the
> amount of IPv4 addresses required for each level, to serve as encouragement to
> migrate to IPv6. (Note: this is just an example, not an actual suggestion).

Hi Tyler,

Historically, the apportionment of fees has been ruled an ARIN
business practice, out of bounds for policy discussion. I think, and
it sounds like you agree, that has been a poor decision. Among other
consequences, it applied a drag on IPv6 deployment for over a decade
when the price mostly exceeded the value. A combination of fee
reductions and IPv6's slowly increasing value has mostly brought that
particular issue to heel, but it could and should have happened years

For obvious reasons, the particular fees charged cannot be a policy
level decision. However, the -apportionment- of fees among ARIN's
services -- which ones should support the brunt of ARIN's cost, what
should be bundled versus carrying a separate charge, and things like
that the community could reasonably choose for itself.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin
bill at herrin.us

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