[ARIN-consult] [General-members] Consultation on Expanding 2FA Options for ARIN Online

Glen A. Pearce arin-consult at ve4.ca
Wed Jan 25 06:48:44 EST 2023

On 24/01/2023 12:56 p.m., Adam Thompson wrote:
>> 3. We agree that users should be allowed to register multiple hardware security keys. The question is: What is the optimal number of keys that should be allowed to be registered?
> Functionally infinite.  Why on earth would you set a hard-coded limit?  It's not like an additional database table is expensive.  If you have to set a limit, it should be something large like 2^32.
I'm pretty sure budgetary limitations would kick in well before that 
point, even for fairly large organizations. ^_-

Glen A. Pearce
gap at ve4.ca
Network Manager, Webmaster, Bookkeeper, Fashion Model and Shipping Clerk.
Very Eager 4 Tees
ARIN Handle VET-17

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