[ARIN-consult] Community Consultation on Increasing the Size of the ARIN Board of Trustees

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Fri May 12 12:17:23 EDT 2017

On 12 May 2017, at 11:53 AM, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us<mailto:bill at herrin.us>> wrote:

On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 11:26 AM, John Curran <jcurran at arin.net<mailto:jcurran at arin.net>> wrote:
Diversity of background is specifically about the trustee, whereas representation is with
regard to the process by which a community selects its representative (the representative
may not even reside or work in that locale, but simply be see as an optimum representative
of their interests…)

Hi John,

Maximum 2 seats employed by holders of more than a /16?

One seat must be for someone associated with address holdings under /20?

One seat for folks associated with cellular carriers? One for last-mile wireline carriers?

One seat for someone who grep up poor? One for someone who grew up in a rural area?

"Background diversity" sounds very wiggly to me. Maybe we ought to have a more objective criteria before considering any alternations to ARIN's structure in support of the concept.

Bill -

   Full agreement here… One can consider a very wide range of possible factors once specific
   criteria for diversity of background is to be established.   In general, the Board has, other than
   encouraging the NomCom to pay attention to such in slate selection, tried to stay out of such
   matters and leave the determination of the most qualified candidates to the membership via
   the voting process.

   The proposal to increase the size of the Board provides more chances for the membership
   to express their views, and while it is possible that all nine elected Board members would
   have similar background, that is less like to occur than with six elected Board members.


John Curran
President and CEO

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