[ARIN-consult] Consultation - Retirement of IPv4 Countdown Plan

Jo Rhett jrhett at netconsonance.com
Tue Mar 22 01:01:58 EDT 2016

Agreed on all points.

On Mar 21, 2016, at 4:41 PM, David Farmer <farmer at umn.edu> wrote:
> As others have said, the proposed changes seems reasonable and justified given current circumstances.  A strict adherence to "first in, first out" for adding additional entries to the waiting list seems much less relevant at this point.  Especially with the waiting list representing many times the IPv4 resources that seem likely to be made available to the free pool within the foreseeable future.  Furthermore, as long as there is a sufficient waiting list for resources, a strict adherence to the order that requests are received seem unlikely to matter in the grand scheme of things, and placing requests on the waiting list in their order of approval without regard to the order the request was received seems sufficiently fair.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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