[arin-announce] Publication of Received Nominations

ARIN info at arin.net
Wed Jul 10 10:00:13 EDT 2024

ARIN recently completed the calls for nominations for the 2024 elections for the Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). The 2024 ARIN Elections will be held 24 October-1 November to fill three seats on the Board, five seats on the Advisory Council, and one seat on the NRO NC.

The following individuals submitted all required information to be considered as candidates.

Board of Trustees

- John Brown
- Mike Burns
- William Charnock
- Ron da Silva
- Peter Harrison
- Philip Inshanally
- Altie Jackson
- Keith Mitchell
- Shernon Osepa
- Chris Roosenraad
- Adrian Schmidt
- Chris Tacit
- David Zumwalt

Advisory Council

- Lilly Botsyoe
- Elizabeth Brierley
- Matthew Cowen
- Matthew Gamble
- William Herrin
- Kathleen Hunter
- Andrés Mayhew
- Daniel Schatte
- Alicia Trotman
- Chris Woodfield

NRO Number Council

- Andrew Gallo
- Frank Petrilli
- Amy Potter

An independent, third-party vendor will evaluate and assess all nominees based on the answers provided in the nomination questionnaire and potential interviews of the nominees. Nominees for the Board will all be interviewed, subject to background checks, and further evaluated against criteria set in the guidance letter provided by the Board of Trustees.

The Nomination Committee will provide an Initial Slate of Candidates based on these assessments, which will be announced on Tuesday, 10 September. The only nominees not included on this initial slate will be individuals who were classified as “Unable to Qualify” based on the evaluation criteria.

For more information about ARIN Elections, the 2024 Election Calendar, or details of the process, please visit https://arin.net/elections.

If you wish to provide independently verifiable information regarding a nominee that you believe will materially affect a nominee’s assessment, please contact nomineefeedback at arin.net before Friday, 19 July. Your report will be evaluated by ARIN’s General Counsel and Chief Human Resource Officer and the third-party vendor.

If you have specific questions or need to request additional information, please contact elections at arin.net.


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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