[arin-announce] 2019 Call for ARIN Board of Trustees, ARIN Advisory Council, and NRO Number Council Nominations

ARIN info at arin.net
Mon Jul 15 11:06:12 EDT 2019

Nominations are being accepted now through 5:00 PM ET, Thursday, 22 
August 2019, to fill two seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees, five seats 
on the ARIN Advisory Council, and one seat on the Number Resource 
Organization Number Council (NRO NC). Candidates are expected to serve 
three-year terms effective 1 January 2020 and incumbents may be 
re-elected for
consecutive terms.

ARIN Trustees and representatives from ARIN’s General Members in Good 
Standing are welcome and strongly encouraged to nominate candidates for 
seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. A nominator 
may nominate themselves, a representative from an ARIN Member 
organization, or from non-member organizations consistent with ARIN 
election processes and may make up to three nominations per open seat.

Any individual, regardless of ARIN Member affiliation, may self-nominate 
or nominate one or more candidates to fill one seat on the NRO Number 
Council. Nominees for the NRO Number Council, however, must reside 
within the ARIN region.

Individuals whose terms will conclude on 31 December 2019 are:

•    ARIN Board of Trustees: Patrick Gilmore and Bill Sandiford
•    ARIN Advisory Council: Owen DeLong, Alyssa Moore, Tina Morris, Joe 
Provo, and Alison Wood
•    NRO Number Council: Jason Schiller

To submit a nomination now, please visit:


To review initial requirements, qualifications, and/or responsibilities 
of the ARIN Board of Trustees, the ARIN Advisory Council, or the NRO NC, 
please visit the respective page below:

ARIN Board of Trustees: 

ARIN Advisory Council: https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/ac/requirements/

NRO Number Council: 

All nominees must confirm that they qualify and are willing to serve if 
elected and that they do not violate the Nomination and Appointment 
Conflict of Interest List found at:


For detailed information on the ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory 
Council nomination processes, please visit:


For detailed information on the NRO NC nomination processes, please visit:


The ARIN Board of Trustees and Advisory Council elections have a 
Nomination Committee (NomCom) that is responsible for identifying, 
recruiting, and assessing candidates standing for election to the ARIN 
Board of Trustees and ARIN Advisory Council, in accordance with ARIN 
Bylaws and the ARIN Election Processes. This year’s NomCom members are:

•    ARIN Board of Trustees Members
         o    Dan Alexander (NomCom Chair)
         o    Nancy Carter
•    General Member Volunteers
         o    Kevin Blumberg
         o    Andrew Dul
         o    Andrew Gallo
         o    Byron Holland
         o    David Huberman

For more information on ARIN’s NomCom, please visit:


2019 ARIN Elections will take place online from 31 October through 8 
November. To vote in this year’s elections, an ARIN Member organization 
must be a General Member in Good Standing and have a Voting Contact with 
an ARIN Online account on file by Monday, 16 September 2019, the 
published voter eligibility deadline. For step-by-step instructions on 
how to designate a Voting Contact, please visit:


For questions, to confirm your organization’s voting eligibility, or for 
additional information or assistance, please email the ARIN Member 
Services team at members at arin.net.


Wendy Leedy
Member Engagement Specialist
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Key Election Date Reminders:

15 July – 22 August: Call for ARIN Board of Trustees, ARIN Advisory 
Council, and NRO NC Nominations

16 September: Deadline to Establish Voter Eligibility

31 October – 8 November: ARIN Elections Open

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