past vs future use

Jon Lewis jlewis at
Sat Jun 28 15:58:44 EDT 1997

On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Jeremy Porter wrote:

> ARIN has two functions:  Allocate address to organizations that need them,
> and set policy.  You pay for you allocations in such a way that your
> fees are designed to recover the cost of the people running the
> allocations.  It is not a good thing to require people to be members of
> ARIN to receive allocations (within its gegraphic scope.).  The

I'm not saying entities that receive an allocation must be members.  What
I meant to get across was that an entity that pays for an allocation
probably has a very real interest in how ARIN is run and in how ARIN
policy is shaped.  As such, after paying for an allocation, an entity
should be given membership at no additional cost if they desire it.

> policy functions of ARIN need to be funded also.  Since we only
> want interested parties to particpate in policy making, 
> one dollar one vote. 

See above.  The fact that CompanyA pays for an allocation and probably
will pay for future allocations will in most cases mean that they are very
interested in participating in policy making.  i.e. If I have to pay 
yearly fees for allocations, I'm going to be against raising the fees
without darn good reasons, and in favor of lowering them when possible.

This is sort of like the government taxing everyone, but saying only the
rich can vote in elections for government officials.

> A large majority of people out there aren't interested in mucking with policy
> as long as things are working.  Thus there is no need for them to
> follow the mailling lists, attend meetings, and pay fees.

I think you'll find this to not be the case once people have to start
shelling out big bucks for their portable allocations.

 Jon Lewis <jlewis at>  |  Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
 Network Administrator       |  be proof-read for $199/message.
 Florida Digital Turnpike    |  
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