a 2nd potential solution

Paul Ferguson pferguso at CISCO.COM
Wed Jul 16 21:43:22 EDT 1997

I believe this is the same presentation that I referred
to which Tony provided.

- paul

At 08:16 AM 07/16/97 -0500, Larry Vaden wrote:

>Please provide us with a URL to your original work in this area.
>Yakov Rekhter has supplied the pointer to ftpeng.cisco.com under
>/ftp/yakov/spa-vs-pac.ppt (PowerPoint).
>At 08:04 AM 7/16/97 -0400, Paul Ferguson wrote:
>>This concept is not new -- Tony Li presented the concept
>>of ISP confederations last year.
>>- paul
>>At 10:57 PM 07/15/97 -0500, Larry Vaden wrote:
>>>A second potential market solution would be for a group of ISPs with common
>>>interests to join forces and apply for a suitably sized CIDR block directly
>>>from the IANA.
>>>In this scenario, the ISPs would not be using "provider dependent (AKA PA)"
>>>space, but rather PI space.
>>>This same group of ISPs with common interests then would issue an RFP for a
>>>"group buy" and then select 2 or 3 NSPs to carry their traffic through the
>>>normal commercial negotiations process.  Because the ISPs were allocated PI
>>>space out of the same address block, aggregation would be possible and

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