US CODE: Title 15, Chapter 1, Section 2.

Stephen Satchell satchell at ACCUTEK.COM
Fri Jan 31 21:17:05 EST 1997

At 2:36 PM 1/31/97, Michael Dillon wrote:
>ARIN is not a US firm. In fact, ARIN is only a proposal for a non-profit
>non-governmental organization to administer an international resource. If
>the USA is not an appropriate country for such an international body to
>operate in then it can easily be incorporated in another country in North
>America. It would be convenient to operate ARIN in the USA because of its
>central location, however if the potential members of ARIN feel that it
>would be better to operate it out of Bermuda or the Cayman Islands, I'm
>sure that the proposed Board of Trustees would consider that.

Actually, I can see some benefits of having the ARIN based in the Cayman
Islands that has nothing to do with the legal question currently being
argued.  Can you imagine how easy (an inexpensively) it would be to fill
technical and administrative positions at ARIN if it were based in a
tropical paradise?  :)

Stephen Satchell, Satchell Evaluations
<> for contact and other info
Opinions stated here are my PERSONAL opinions.

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