Good intent and somewhat competent

Stephen Satchell satchell at
Sun Jan 19 03:43:08 EST 1997

At 12:13 AM 1/19/97, Karl Auerbach wrote:
>> ... ARIN will be a *non-profit* organization...
>One should not wave the words "non-profit" or "501(c)" as a talisman.
>There are plenty of such organizations which have enormous cash flows,
>with very large pay-outs as "expenses", "salaries", and "benefits".
>Whether arin would be such an organization is yet to be seen.  If
>established, hopefully it's revenues would pretty much match expenses.
>In order to ward off claims that excess cash will flow out as inflated
>"expenses" and such, the revised proposals should clearly indicate how
>revenue excesses will be handled.  The phrase "non-profit" is not, in
>itself, adequate.

Good point.  I'd be interested in seeing Form 1023 in its embryonic form --
a lot of the ills you describe have to be disclosed on that form or the IRS
gets very, very angry.

I think I still have the Form 1023 from Project Notify, so I could try to
reproduce the thing in ASCII.  Conversely, I could just ask the questions
and see what kind of reply I get.  (This is in the "someday" file, right?)

Stephen Satchell, Satchell Evaluations
<> for contact and other info

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