The Southern Cal site.

Carol Anne Cypherpunk carolann at
Fri Feb 28 15:32:36 EST 1997


Jim Fleming scambled some electrons to say:
Can someone explain what people are supposed to infer from above ?

What I got from it was this:

Someone with a lotta money, is gonna stomp on somebody
who doesn't have a lot of money. 

This ain't www3, and as sure as folks are discovering domains,
someone (like me but only with tons of bucks) is discovering IP
numbers. And they will have the game (legal) played in US courts.

We are now where we are now, because Josh Quittner broke the 
story in Wired. I'm sure they will update it soon to include this too.
After all that is what they are for. Then the IP address rush will be on too!

Frankly I'd like the ip address (cause I'm an old Beatle fan) :)

This secondary domain stuff, is interesting, but that's what will cause
the lawsuits, and bring everything to it's knees in injunctions. is not a softdrink. And if it weren't for my ISP at the time
not providing any support, I'd have gotten it. Coca-Cola did wind up with
it, but only because they checked every day to get it.

And name recognition alone is not justification for getting domains or

For as IBM slowly becomes dismantled, eventually the only thing of worth they
do have will be their big block of addresses. And the lower the address number
the easier it is to recognize it.

Someday every computer from Apple will have an IP address built in.
Just like an operating system.
An IP a day keeps the bankruptcy court away.

Your 'friends in the business', Gateway 2000 will build them into their boxes.
And market just that fact all the way to the bank.
(Heck, they might even part with S.D. assigned addresses just for the tax base
assets it could bring in.)

My PostOffice Mailgirl says the PO could make digital sigs even easier to
verify if doled out in a systemic manner like zipcodes. We even went through
the zip +4 +4 system. I now understand what it is as a result of this list.

Maybe we even need to add another .xxx to the routing tables, we'd sure
have enough IP's for every concievable situation.

Enough rant for now. but it IS what gleaned from that lovely So. Cal site.

Carol Anne

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Uncensored from


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