US CODE: Title 15, Chapter 1, Section 2.

Randy Bush randy at PSG.COM
Sun Feb 2 22:18:00 EST 1997

> Especially since membership is only $1,000 per year. Secondly, it is
> highly unlikely that even a majority of ISP's will join ARIN. 

This is a key point in ARIN's income projections.  If only 300 ISPs join,
then that is on the order of 10% of the operating budget, after the rather
large startup costs.

Will those 300 ISPs who have gotten InterNIC allocations join ARIN as
members?  Even if they are not required to do so in order to obtain
allocations?  Will enough others join to make up for any shortfall in
those 300?

Then we get to the big chunk of income, the allocation fees.  Should
income estimates be modeled on
  o the most recent year of InterNIC allocations?
  o those allocations presuming some growth?  how much?
  o those allocations presuming shrinkage as it will now cost people 
    money?  how much?
  o some other base for projections?

Being an engineer, I am inclined to the first as it is easiest to explain
logically.  But I suspect real business folk are less seduced by logic
than I.

Note that a prudent startup estimates income a bit low and expense a bit
high.  While explaining a bit too much cash in a non-profit can be harder
than in a for profit, it's a trivial problem compared to not making
payroll, being cut off by your RBOC and ISPs, etc.

So, Andrew's offered to pony up.  I did the other week.  Now don't all
stampede.  :-)


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