ARIN Conversion: Template Instructions Now Available

ginny listman ginny at
Fri Jul 12 12:09:44 EDT 2002

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Whipple, Scott (CCI-Atlanta) wrote:

> I think the templates and instructions look very good.  I have a couple
> questions.
> 1.  Can you submit more then one netmod.txt, reassign-simple.txt and
> net-name-change.txt?

ARIN will impose the same limit that exist today, 10 per email.

>  a. If you can does End of Template have to be remove like on the old
> swip template?
> 	b. If not can this become an option?

The END OF TEMPLATE is required for ALL templates. If you include 10
templates in a file, there must be 10 END OF TEMPLATE lines. The reason
for this is that the last field on most of the templates is "Public
Comments". This field can be multi-lined. If the END OF TEMPLATE is not
included, it will include everything up until the END OF TEMPLATE is
reached. The result of omitting this line, is to have a second template
not be processed and be a Public Comment for the first.

> 2. On the old swip template you didn't need to compete all fields when
> deleting a reassignment/reallocation.  When returning or removing on the
> new netmod and reassign-simple what are the minimum fields that need to
> be completed?

This is something that should be incorporated into the instructions of the
template. ARIN will make the modifications to the necessary templates, and
post the revisions.

> If anyone is reading these mailing lists please post some questions.
> The conversion is coming up on us soon and there must be things out
> there we are missing or not thinking of.
> Scott Whipple
> Cox Communications

Ginny Listman
Director of Engineering

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