[Fwd: Reassignment Proposal]

Shane Kerr shane at time-travellers.org
Sun Apr 29 02:59:28 EDT 2001

On 2001-04-27 16:25:29 +0000, Linda wrote:
> Good Afternoon All,
> I prefer to use SWIP for reassignments/allocations.  We do not use
> RWHOIS but are in favor of upgrading the code.  Would the proposed
> IRR-like mechanism be able to work in conjunction with swip?  I don't
> see the majority agreeing to use a single method.

I suppose it depends on what you mean by SWIP.  ;)

IRR servers typically operate in the same fashion as SWIP.  That is,
they have an e-mail address you send mail to that runs a program to
automatically process your changes.

Obviously, the format of the mail is different from SWIP, because the
IRR is intended largely as a routing registry, so is usually in RIPE-181
or RPSL format.

Also, while a large percentage of SWIP mail ends up being rejected and
hand processed, a typical IRR processes 100% of database changes through
automatic software.  While this may seem a bit scary, the software is
designed to provide (more or less) meaningful error responses, and there
is always an e-mail address you can send questions to.

Perhaps the easiest course of action would be to write a SWIP-to-(insert
other format) converter if some IRR software was being considered.


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