[arin-tech-discuss] XML payload did not validate

Jamie Kohns jamie.kohns at nationalnet.com
Fri Jan 25 15:53:56 EST 2013

I'm trying to perform a Create Recipient Customer request on the rest 
service, and getting an error response indicating that "The XML payload 
did not validate against the defined schema"..

While my final implementation will be in PHP using CURL, I have been 
using curl directly as:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X POST --data "<customer 
xmlns="<customer xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1" 
<handle></handle><streetAddress><line number = "1">Line 
number = "1">Line 

The customer payload is copied directly from the documentation, 
substituting our parentOrgHandle and PARENTNETHANDLE and API key values.

The only response is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><error 
XML payload did not validate against the defined schema.  Please see the 
documentation for details.</message></error>
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