[arin-tech-discuss] Customer Payload Country

Aaron Hughes aaronh at bind.com
Fri Sep 9 14:20:13 EDT 2011

When creating a new customer or ORGID do I have to supply anything other than code2 for the country or do I really have to reverse lookup the country name?



<customer xmlns="http://www.arin.net/regrws/core/v1" >
<name>UNITED STATES</name>
<line number = "1">Line 1</line>
<line number = "1">Line 1</line>
<registrationDate>Tue Jan 25 16:17:18 EST 2011</registrationDate>


Aaron Hughes 
aaronh at bind.com
Key fingerprint = AD 67 37 60 7D 73 C5 B7 33 18 3F 36 C3 1C C6 B8

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