[arin-ppml] About needs basis in 8.3 transfers

Steven Ryerse SRyerse at eclipse-networks.com
Wed Jun 4 19:50:37 EDT 2014

There are several folks (like me) who want to ditch the needs test and there are several folks who don't want to ditch them.  I take it your position is that the folks who want to keep needs tests should somehow prevail in this argument without much or any change,  and those of us who wish to ditch them should just accept the status quo with needs tests. In other words you win and we lose!

I saw a lot of folks comment here recently who want to at least loosen needs tests on the smaller block sizes, many many more than I've ever seen before.  Since it is obvious a sizable portion of this community desires a change toward loosening policies, why is it that you persist in standing in the way of compromise?  

There comes a time when fair is fair - and small organizations are routinely discriminated against because of our small size and not so deep pockets.  There is a lot of anger out there over the unfairness of these existing policies.  It should be just as easy for us to get resources as it was for T-Mobile and others.  I call on all members of this community to at least come to a compromise.  After all the world hasn't ended for RIPE with their changes - and it won't end here either if fairness is put back into the policies so that small organizations can get the resources they need too!  

Steven Ryerse
100 Ashford Center North, Suite 110, Atlanta, GA  30338
770.656.1460 - Cell
770.399.9099- Office

℠ Eclipse Networks, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net] On Behalf Of Owen DeLong
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 7:25 PM
To: Matthew Kaufman
Cc: arin-ppml at arin.net
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] About needs basis in 8.3 transfers

> Matthew Kaufman
> ps. I'd also note that "policy that expresses the general intent of the community" may in fact *be* policy that lets post-runout transfers be performed without a needs test, as "the community" consists of a lot more than "Owen”.

Indeed, it does. However, many people have also repeatedly stood up in defense of needs basis, so singling me out as if I am the lone supporter of preserving needs basis is as specious as many of your other arguments.


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