[arin-ppml] No Support Draft Policy ARIN-2014-11 Improved Registry Accuracy Proposal

Azinger, Marla Marla.Azinger at FTR.com
Tue Apr 15 15:30:43 EDT 2014

-Draft Policy ARIN-2014-11 Improved Registry Accuracy Proposal-
I don't support this.  I don't see this as a simple innocent change.
I don't entirely see how this is geared to improve registry use.  In addition your definitions will end up effecting policy and agreements.  Due to this, I would like to see how this would affect exactly which policies and which agreements and with details on how they would be effected .  You can't post haste add definitions without it effecting items already in place.
I don't see this as particularly helpful for companies using Legacy Space.
In regards to some specific bullets:
Fairness- This is impossible to guarantee.  It doesn't happen today and it likely never will.  This is why there is some variation in address policy today.
Mutual Benefit - No Support.  There are legitimate business reasons for Legacy space.  Additionally, dissolving contracts is particularly troublesome and is an act that would be sure to end up in expensive litigation.
Legacy Internet Resource definition is written so that it purposely excludes transferred addresses from retaining Legacy status.
This proposal is not a simple "accuracy change".  Its written in a manner that appears be created for putting the pinch on companies that have to use newer alternative processes.  These changes would not help companies struggling due to ARIN policy that falls short of supporting all members equally.

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